Moms do the craziest things, and when I say "crazy" I mean it both in the literal sense (insane!) and crazy=fun. At least that's what occurred to me when I was scouring the internet for a Harry Styles-shaped pillow and "One Direction"cupcake toppers. My younger daughter recently turned 8 and like most girls her age, she is utterly obsessed with the 1D boys. She was determined to make the band the theme for her birthday party. I wasn't so sure I could pull it off, but then, after a little digging I landed on this page full of ideas for a 1D party and we were off to the races. 
To get some inspiration, I took the girls to see "This Is Us," the 1D documentary by Morgan Spurlock of "Fast Food Nation" fame. Then we came back to our place and, with some help from our PC design team, they played pin the heart on Harry (a la pin the tail on the donkey), had a karaoke sing-along and made duct tape wallets with printed tape. Yes, it's true— One Direction duct tape actually exists. Sadie loved every last minute of it, and I have to admit that I can see what those girls are flipping out about. Those guys seem so cute, talented and charming.

And that chaotic day reminded me of how insane and crazy=fun it is to be an 8 year old, too. Happy Birthday to my grown-up baby girl!