Artistic Visions with The House That Lars Built
A fan for many years, Stacey was so excited that Brittany from The House That Lars Built knew about Pink Chicken when she reached out about a possible collaboration! We are thrilled to offer this amazing Great Artists! Kids Course on our site, and they even used our Fall prints as inspiration for their paper doll Frida Kahlo’s clothing.
About The House That Lars Built and its founder, Brittany Jepson: "My mom’s favorite quote was “a creative mess is better than tidy idleness” and so my childhood was spent creating art work, music, and yes, lots of messes. On track to becoming a museum curator I was haunted by those creative messes and enrolled in permanent “creative mess status” otherwise known as a master’s in interior design at the Corcoran College of Art + Design in Washington, DC. I graduated in 2010 after spending summers working with professional creative messers including Jonathan Adler and Celerie Kemble in NYC. There I designed products for Tiffany and Co, Schumacher, and Dempsey and Carroll and helped create beautiful interiors for fancy schmancy penthouses. The summer of 2009 I studied textile design and wrote a column for design*sponge. I married and moved to Copenhagen in 2010. We have since moved back to ‘Merica–Provo, Utah to be exact–where I can currently be found crafting up a storm in our little home at the base of the Rocky Mountains and staring in front of a computer screen blogging."

Brittany in Pink Chicken's Indira Dress
About the Great Artists! Course:
To school or not to school? With so much up in the air, every parent we know is going back and forth trying to decide what to do this school year. Whether you decided to send your kids back, try online classes, or find your own homeschool curriculum - Our Great Artists! course was created with your family in mind!

Through 6 weeks of daily videos, art and crafts tutorials, and other hands-on learning, your child will finish the course with important knowledge about artists from diverse backgrounds, cultures, time periods, and art styles.
Whether your child is 6 or 13, they will also learn basic principles of art that they can use in their own work - both in what they create during the course and in the future as they find their unique style.

** And don't forget to download these Frida Kahlo dresses for your paper doll - inspired by PC's Fall prints and patterns! Super chic and exclusive to Pink Chicken!