Back to school season can be such a stressful time for families! We teamed up with Ali Beckwith, wife and mom with a passion for photography, on her go-to after school snack boards! Plus, she shares her experience with daughter, Emery, being a part of our Back to School campaign photoshoot. Read more below!

1. Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into blogging/social?
I began taking photography more seriously in 2018 when I gave birth to my daughter and have always enjoyed sharing everyday life on social media. By some happy accident, things kind of grew from there and I’ve gotten so many opportunities to connect with other women and businesses (big and small!) that I genuinely love! It has been such a fun creative outlet for me and I am having a great time seeing where it goes!

2. How do you balance it all? Working full time, while being a mom and growing your Instagram on the side - what would your advice be to someone (particularly a mom) who is interested in pursuing their passion?
LOL- the answer is I don’t balance it all. Just kidding- sort of (but for real the laundry is piling up!). However- when you are truly passionate about something it doesn’t necessarily feel like work. There are definitely many days when accomplishing it all doesn’t go perfectly to plan, but that's okay! My biggest piece of advice is to go with the flow and dont be hard on yourself! Ultimately my children come first, and I feel super blessed to have a creative outlet that ultimately includes spending more time with them! I think if I put too much pressure on myself I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my passion anymore.
3. How did you discover Pink Chicken?
I discovered Pink Chicken after I had my daughter through another influencer! (Looking at my app I started following in 2020!!!) I have always loved the unique designs that I just could not seem to find anywhere else! I also felt strongly that Pink Chicken was a very positive brand and I loved that it was a growing woman owned business. Pink Chicken Swim is ALWAYS a favorite for me!

4. Tell us about your experience at the PC Back to School shoot?
We had such an amazing experience! It was so wonderful to actually not be behind the camera for once and observe the magic and thought and detail that went into this entire day. The Pink Chicken team was beyond incredible, and so kind and personable that I felt immediately comfortable!
5. What is your favorite dress that Emery modeled at the shoot?
Oh my gosh- how do I choose?! Out of the ones she modeled, I thought the Varsity Letters “Kit” dress was so fun and original. The Adeline Ruffle Dress with apple embroidery is also a top favorite!

6. How and why did you start making snack boards?
I find creating snack boards to be the easiest and most fun way to get kids excited about eating a meal or snack. (It’s a kids version of charcuterie and I am a millennial after all!) One of my close friends introduced me to the concept of the “Peach and the Pit” or “Rose and Thorn” of your day. At such a young age, I find it hard to get kids to open up about their day and really find out what is going on in their lives. When I also started introducing this (which is so great to do together while having an afternoon snack!) it REALLY opened up our dialogue and motivated my daughter to tell me more details about her day (other then “good.”) We first chat about the peach of her day (so her favorite part, sometimes she likes to name a few!) and then we talk about the pit, maybe something that was more difficult or made her sad. It is SO great as a parent to be able to talk through these and discuss how she could tackle a “pit” next time to get a new outcome!
7. What are your favorite items to include in your snack board?
I like to combine healthy snacks with maybe a little sweetness. The kids love the variety and chatting about the new things they are trying! Whether we are by ourselves or hanging out with friends after school, this is such an easy go to!

8. What’s your favorite way to wind down after a long day?
I really enjoy cooking! I try to cook a few times a week and am always trying new recipes. My favorite way to relax after a long work day is to pour a glass of wine to enjoy while cooking and listening to music! Also, LOVE myself a good dose of trashy reality TV!

9. Do you have any mottos or mantras that you always reference when it comes to being a mom?
Live, Laugh, Laundry!!!
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