My number one get organized tip is always...PLAN YOUR WEEK ON SUNDAYS! Meals, outfits, kids' activities, school projects, everything that I can plan and organize in advance, I do! You will never find a member of my family hunting for a matching clean pair of socks before school! I also assign myself one special get organized task a week. This week it was Organize Under The Sink! Last week it was my Linen Closet. Next week it might be under the girl's bunk bed.
Not only do labels help with initially getting organized, it helps the entire family STAY organized, which is key. Take under the sink: I bought 8 clean storage containers and created labels for sponges, paper towels, trash bags, cleaning supplies, etc. This way the entire family can help get me what I need and more importantly, put things back in the correct spot when they are done. Oh, I love being organized!
Springtime is always about a clean and fresh home! For me, that means rewarding myself after putting all the laundry, dishes and toys away in their designated spot. The reward: Fresh flowers everywhere! And I always add ice cubes to my vases to help the blooms last longer. Plus, I change the water just about every day! Treat your flowers right and they will stay looking their best, longer, and make the entire house feel put together just right.
Put ALL like items in boxes together and label: coloring books with crayons, ribbons with beads for necklace stringing, all sports equipment in one big bin.
Most importantly, PUT EVERYTHING in the same place all the time so you don't forget where it is. Don't ever get lazy about this! It will save you time and frustration in the long-run and will keep everyone smiling when nothing goes missing!
MAKE LIFE EASIER with @emmy_tolbert, account run by parents @jadelizroper and @tanner.tolbert
An organized pantry is key in our house. It makes for easier everyday life all around. Emmy, and even Brooks, know how things are categorized, for instance baking items are grouped together and kid appropriate snacks are on easy to reach shelves. They are happy to help grab things when mom and dad’s hands are full! We pour cereal and snacks into see-through containers. This way the kids can see the pasta and snack shapes, for easier decision making! It also makes it a whole lot more obvious when we are running low on items. Just a quick walk through the pantry helps us compile our grocery shopping list!
With three young children, toys can quickly make our home cluttered. We totally believe in rotation! We luckily have plenty of storage space in our new home, so not all the kids toys have to be out and under our feet at the same time! We strategically pack things away and every few weeks swap out what’s front and center. It makes toys feel new again and brings the kids some extra joy!
Emmy has been on such an art kick the past few months and her art area has been overflowing with new creations. And Jade can’t bring herself to get rid of ANY of it. Plum Print is a life saver. We just fill the box with Emmy’s art and drop it at FedEx. Plum Print does the rest. A messy pile is transformed into a tidy book, and Emmy is beyond proud to flip through pages and pages of her own masterpieces.