1. Name & Age: Arzu, Age 6
2. Hometown: New York City
3. A little about daily life/routine: Arzu is in school until 3pm and she usually has an activity after school, like dance, ice skating, piano or swimming lessons. On other days, she has play dates in the park with her friends. On the weekends, she spends most of her time with her family and her pet dog, Binks.
4. Hobbies & interests: Music, dancing, ice skating, fashion and art!
5. When/how did you discover Pink Chicken? When she was a baby and received her first Pink Chicken dress and sweater as a gift from a dear friend.
6. Favorite Pink Chicken piece you own? A green dress from a few years ago which we bought when Arzu was 3 - and she still tries to squeeze into it now! And of course the Maude Sweater!
7. What do you love most about your special PC Holiday dress and PJs? I love the dress because it looks pretty and I can twirl in it. It is also very soft. I like the pajamas because they have dinosaurs and Christmas things on them. They are perfect for the holidays.
7. Why do you continue to shop Pink Chicken? What is the brand to you? Arzu says she feels happy when she is wearing her Pink Chicken clothes. Pink Chicken is her favorite place to shop, besides the clothes, she loves all the accessories and different arts and crafts she can get there. We love that its a female owned and run brand and how its not just a place to shop, but always a place that does a lot to give back to the community.
8. Feelings on being our Holiday Flock Star for 2022? Happy and super excited! I LOVE PINK CHICKEN! (She literally yelled this out!)
9. How does Arzu like to spend a weekend in NYC? Ice skating, going for brunch, exploring nature in Central Park, playing with her dog Binks and having play dates.
10. Tell us about some favorite sights/spots/attractions? Central Park, Museums, Central Park Zoo, Bronx Zoo, Museum of Ice Cream and Sloomoo Institute. In the winter, the Bryant Park holiday market, tree and ice rink.
11. What are your favorite Holiday activities? Any traditions that you look forward to? Making cookies and ginger bread houses. Meeting Santa. Going to see a show like the Big Apple Circus. This year we will see the Nutcracker ballet at Lincoln Center too.
12. What is at the top of Arzu’s Christmas list this year? Barbies, molding clay and a toy owl!
13. Any other tidbits or stories that you think are interesting or notable about Arzu and PC? Arzu’s love for Pink Chicken began very early on, because aside from loving the clothes, she loved the brand name! It would just roll off her tongue and she would start laughing. It made her so happy! Whenever any family comes to visit us from overseas, especially her grandmother who wants to take her shopping, she literally only takes her to Pink Chicken. It is a household name for us now.
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