Happy Holidays - Meet Elle!
1. Name & Age: Elle, 20-months
2. Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
3. Tell us a little bit about your daily life & routine: Elle was born a week into lockdown here in New Orleans. So, her life started off essentially in quarantine. And more recently, she’s been introduced to “normal life”. Elle’s typical day includes play dates with friends, lots of free play, and activities like painting, outdoor play and gymrompers. She’s looking forward to starting the 2-year-old program at her new school in August, and also expecting a baby brother or sister any day now.

4. Any special hobbies or interests? Elle’s favorite activities include dancing (anywhere, anytime), rides on her tricycle, painting, and playing with her friends and her dog Elton.
5. How did you discover Pink Chicken and what is your favorite piece you own? We recently discovered Pink Chicken at a boutique we love called Olive Patch. Our favorite piece is the pink ornament dress. It was our first PC purchase, and the dress that Elle wore for her Christmas pictures.

6. Why do you continue to shop Pink Chicken? I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were Organic cotton options, and Elle absolutely loves her “Santa Clause” and “Christmas Tree” and “Puppy” dresses. She will bring it to me and say “Santa Clause!! Wear please!"
7. How does Elle like to spend a weekend in New Orleans? She loves to spend her weekends eating beignets, exploring Audobon Zoo, and playing in the park with her family & friends.

8. What are your favorite Holiday activities and what are you most looking forward to this year since celebrating in-person is more common? She loves seeing all the lights at Celebration in the Oaks at City Park, cookie making at Acorn, and visiting Santa at Teddy Bear Tea at the Roosevelt. This is her first year being able to fully participate in Christmas activities, as most didn’t happen last year, and she is thrilled!
9. What is at the top of Elle's Christmas list this year? Anything baby. She loves dolls, and baby strollers!
10. Anything else you would like to share? Elle is an expressive, happy, and independent toddler. Pink Chicken’s fun prints, and unique look perfectly express her little personality through her clothes.