I’ve Got the Music in Me!!!
Name: Alice Parker
Age: 10
When did you first become interested in playing the guitar and singing?
I first became interested in singing and performing in kindergarten. I was cast as “Molly” in Annie and loved it.
How does playing music make you feel? It makes me feel good and happy.
Who is your favorite band/singer? Taylor Swift
Favorite part of being a kid? I don’t have to pay the bills.
- toy? ripstick
- Snack? Ritz crackers
- Activity? singing
- Color? blue
- Food? Mac n’ cheese
Tell us something special about yourself? I have a lot of freckles.
Favorite Holiday tradition? We make fried dough Christmas morning.
What is your favorite thing about the dress you are wearing? I love how it looks and I love the sparkly gold.