A born and raised New Yorker, Dani Stahl has made a name for herself in the fashion world. Her eclectic, unexpected, and fun use of color and pattern is something that we totally love, and perfectly complements our new golden poppy printed tabletop set. Get to know Dani below, and see how she and her sweet daughter Sunny decorated their PC featured tablescape!

1. Where did you grow up and where do you live now? I’m a born & raised New Yorker though & through… this great city will never rid of me! I live only 10 blocks from where I grew up.
2. How would you describe your style/aesthetic? For both fashion and home decor? My aesthetic for both fashion & home have largely melted into one vibe. Eclectic, unexpected, fun, lots of pattern of pattern and mix of colors.
I sort of look at a room like an outfit, and there is nothing I love more than accessories - ANY kind!
3. What inspires you? I’m inspired by so much, and there is so much around us to be inspired by! Sometimes, I think it’s my mood that allows me to be creative more than what’s around me. Beauty is always around us - if we are looking! (A much less eloquent answer is Instagram - I'm truly inspired by Instagram! In that I have tailored my feed to fill me up with all of these creative images in both fashion, and especially home. For example, I must have 100 screenshots of colorfully printed rooms from my feed… and tabletop!

4. What has been most surprising to you about motherhood? Most rewarding and most challenging? The overwhelming amount of love that grows everyday, infinitely - it’s truly amazing, and I'm not just saying that ;) Most challenging is the self work - increasing my patience and curbing my knee-jerk reaction to little things is really hard. Kids need the room to grow & feel good, it is my greatest wish not to smother her with my frustrations!
5. Describe your most perfect NYC day with your daughter. In truth, our most perfect day would include us getting manicures & shopping at Pink Chicken!
6. How did you discover PC? What is the brand to you? I discovered Pink Chicken when I had Sunny, and it is my favorite Mommy & Me go-to! We both love to shop there! PC is just our vibe - bohemian, fun prints, cool kids stuff… I wear these evil eye rings for good luck all the time! I must have bought 20 of them at the Madison Ave shop!

7. Tell us about your tablescape design with PC printed tablecloth and napkins? The tabletop is so good - I love mixing the patterns together, I have a couple different sets. This was particularly fun in that my dress matched the tablecloth & napkins! So fun. It exactly proves the point I've made lately that fashion and home are one in the same. For the rest of the bits on the table - it’s a full mix of things that I've collected along the way! I’m always hunting around for plates and cool cutlery etc.
8. Any fun plans for summer? Summer is always fun! We are excited for a lot of pool days & yummy meals... Sunny is excited for camp & we’ll have lots of family time!

9. Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about you! I always have a lot of creative projects floating around me, a lot of interest in home accessorizing and that sort of vibe. I’ve also been making jeweled crocs! Guess i’m all over the map. ;)