The past 10+ months have been filled with isolation, grief, hardship and so much uncertainty. To start the new year off right, we want to celebrate all of the good! We asked our Flock to share the moments during the pandemic that have given them joy and hope! Below you will find the top 5 winners, and all of the AMAZING entries - it was so hard to pick because we truly loved them all! We hope these photos bring smiles to your faces - let's continue to spread the positivity!

1st Place: Claire Verville
"Having a front row seat to watch my girls bond grow an unimaginable amount has truly been my silver lining of 2020. 2020 gave these two some undivided sister time and healing for me as their mom as I watched their love for each other grow and strengthen every single day. Hearing the way they can make each other laugh only the way a sister could, watching them share and play outside for hours (because we had all the time in the world) is a gift only 2020 could have given us. Just time together. I grew up an only child, and then having two kids so close was so challenging for me, but this year, all the time together strengthened our family in a way I dreamed about as a little girl who always wanted a big family. Such a gift this year was! Through all of it, I wouldn’t change any of it."

2nd Place: Lauren & Madison Nottes
"It has been a hard year, but I am beyond thankful I was able to quarantine with my family in upstate NY. I will never get these family moments back. My daughter was able to see my Ama (grandmother, Holocaust survivor) almost every day. She was able to see her cousins all the time. Looking forward to a healthy and positive 2021, but beyond grateful for the memories my family created and for time we had as a family."

3rd Place: Stevie Blickle
"The kids were jumping off chairs onto a pile of pillows and blankets and they were just so genuinely HAPPY. Sometimes we get so caught up in it all that we forget to enjoy the simple stuff." #letthembelittle #positivitywithPC

4th Place: Chloe Consolo
"My 7-year-old, Olive, has prayed for a sibling since she was 3. As every year passed by, it made me so sad that we hadn't been able to give her a brother or a sister. Well, in 2019, I had a miscarriage, after we had already told Olive she was going to be a big sister - total heartbreak y’all! Well, 2020 started out ok, we were ready for a new year. A couple weeks before quarantine started, I found out I was pregnant!!! Yay! Then Covid hit, and of course that just made everything even more scary!
Fast forward to September... Olive and I are ready to walk out the door and go for a walk before my 32 week ultrasound and guess what?! I trip and break my ankle in 3 places and dislocate it. Thank the good lord my husband was home and Olive went and got him. I had sweet Sylvie Greer November 18th, with a boot on my foot haha and by Csection.
This picture was taken the day Olive held Sylvie for the very first time. It was the best moment of my life. The BEST. I cried so many happy tears. Olive was so excited. She is the best big sister."

5th Place: Alexandra Serdy
"Pictured is my 7-year-old daughter Palmer. A week before Pennyslvania shut down in March, she was diagnosed with adhd and anxiety. The day that this picture was taken was one of the worst days that I have gone through as a parent. Palmer’s teacher assigned them to pick 1 word that they think best describes them and present it on their Zoom call. Palmer's answers were not so positive. After a lot of tears and hugs and squeezes, I erased her original answers and Palmer created the picture shown above. I look at this picture often while scrolling on my phone. Ironically, it is one of my favorite pictures of my beautiful, smart, kind, and determined little girl. There is something about her vulnerability in this picture that just presents a glow."
We loved each and every entry - thank you for submitting!