I Need To Try
Fiesta Fun!
Cinco de Mayo, the annual celebration of Mexican heritage and culture, ranks up at the top of my list of favorite hol...
a family tradition.
every year one of my favorite holiday traditions is baking cookies with my girls. its creative, we do it together an...
sadie's seventh birthday bash, the glitter, jewels, feathers, and barbie!
My girl Sadie just turned seven years old, and it was quite a bash, consisting of 18 very excited girls, feather stat...
from india with love, masala collection now available
There is something so intrinsically inspiring about an art form that has endured some four-and-a-half thousand years....
2012 resolutions
For me, New Year's resolutions aren't so much a commitment to doing something new, but more a return to goals gone ...
mommy, can I skype santa?
While Christmas Eve remains cookies-and-milk low-tech, there have been some changes in the ways that our kids ("dig...
holiday shopping
I have to remind myself each year not to let the holidays get hijacked. Parties and shopping can take over, leaving ...
please and thank you and all that
Statistically speaking, our kids will meet, greet, and eat with more people in the month of December than any other ...
staying fit, fancy, and healthy
Now that Thanksgiving, with all its good food, is behind us, it’s a long distance sprint until New Year’s Day. Part...